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to grow in experience

  • 121 live

    live1 [lɪv]
    vivre1 (a), 1 (b), 1 (d), 1 (f), 2 habiter1 (c) se nourrir1 (e)
    plants need oxygen to live les plantes ont besoin d'oxygène pour vivre;
    as long as I live tant que je vivrai, de mon vivant;
    was she still living when her grandson was born? est-ce qu'elle était encore en vie quand son petit-fils est né?;
    he hasn't long to live il ne lui reste pas beaucoup de temps à vivre;
    she didn't live long after her son died elle n'a pas survécu longtemps à son fils;
    the doctors think she'll live les médecins pensent qu'elle vivra;
    ironic you'll live! tu n'en mourras pas!;
    I won't live to see them grow up je ne vivrai pas assez vieux pour les voir grandir;
    she'll live to be 100 elle vivra jusqu'à 100 ans, elle sera centenaire;
    we live in interesting times nous vivons une époque intéressante;
    to live on borrowed time être en sursis;
    to live to a ripe old age vivre vieux ou jusqu'à un âge avancé;
    figurative the dialogue is what makes the characters live ce sont les dialogues qui donnent de la vie aux personnages;
    your words will live in our hearts/memories vos paroles resteront à jamais dans nos cœurs/notre mémoire
    to live dangerously vivre dangereusement;
    familiar go on, live dangerously! allez, vas-y, on n'a qu'une vie!;
    to live well vivre bien;
    they lived happily ever after ils vécurent heureux jusqu'à la fin de leurs jours;
    he lives by the rules il mène une vie bien rangée;
    the rules we all live by les règles auxquelles nous nous plions tous;
    she lives for her children/for skiing elle ne vit que pour ses enfants/que pour le ski;
    he lived for music il ne vivait que pour la musique;
    we're living for the day we emigrate nous vivons dans l'attente du jour où nous émigrerons;
    she was living for the chance of revenge la perspective de vengeance était sa raison de vivre;
    to live in poverty/luxury vivre dans la pauvreté/le luxe;
    to live in fear vivre dans la peur;
    he lives in the past il vit dans le passé;
    we live in uncertain times nous vivons une époque incertaine;
    humorous he lives in that shirt! il a cette chemise sur le dos en permanence!;
    proverb live and let live! = il faut savoir faire preuve de tolérance!;
    well, you live and learn! on en apprend tous les jours!
    (c) (reside) habiter;
    where does she live? où habite-t-elle?;
    they have nowhere to live ils sont à la rue;
    the giant tortoise lives mainly in the Galapagos la tortue géante vit surtout aux Galapagos;
    they live in Rome ils habitent (à) Rome, ils vivent à Rome;
    I lived in France for a year j'ai vécu en France pendant un an;
    to live in a flat/a castle habiter (dans) un appartement/un château;
    she lives in a fifth-floor flat elle vit dans un appartement au cinquième étage;
    to live at Number 10 habiter au numéro 10;
    to live in the town/country habiter ou vivre en ville/à la campagne;
    I live in or on Bank Street j'habite Bank Street;
    they live in or on my street ils habitent (dans) ma rue;
    to live on the street être à la rue;
    she lives on the ground floor elle habite au rez-de-chaussée;
    he practically lives in or at the library il passe sa vie à la bibliothèque;
    do you live with your parents? habitez-vous chez vos parents?;
    old-fashioned or humorous to live in sin (with sb) vivre dans le péché (avec qn)
    they don't earn enough to live ils ne gagnent pas de quoi vivre;
    he lives by teaching il gagne sa vie en enseignant;
    the tribe lives by hunting la tribu vit de la chasse
    (e) (obtain food) se nourrir;
    we've been living out of cans or tins lately on se nourrit de conserves depuis quelque temps;
    he was reduced to living out of rubbish bins il en était réduit à fouiller les poubelles pour se nourrir
    (f) (exist fully, intensely) vivre;
    she really knows how to live elle sait vraiment profiter de la vie;
    let's live for the moment or for today! vivons l'instant présent!;
    I want to live a little je veux profiter de la vie;
    if you haven't been to New York, you haven't lived! si tu n'es jamais allé à New York, tu n'as rien vu!
    to live a life of poverty vivre dans la pauvreté;
    to live a life of luxury mener la grande vie;
    to live a solitary life mener une vie solitaire;
    to live a lie être dans une situation fausse;
    she lived the life of a film star for six years elle a vécu comme une star de cinéma pendant six ans;
    familiar to live it up faire la fête;
    my father lives and breathes golf mon père ne vit que pour le golf
    (recover from → error, disgrace, ridicule)
    they'll never let him live that down ils ne lui passeront ou pardonneront jamais cela;
    if I forget her birthday, I'll never live it down! si j'oublie son anniversaire, elle ne me le pardonnera jamais!;
    you'll never live this down! tu n'as pas fini d'en entendre parler!
    (a) (servant) être logé et nourri; (worker, nurse) être logé ou habiter sur place;
    all their farm hands live in tous leurs ouvriers agricoles sont logés sur place
    (b) (pupil) être interne
    (a) (sponge off) vivre aux crochets de;
    he lives off his parents il vit aux crochets de ses parents
    (b) (savings) vivre de; (nuts, berries) se nourrir de;
    they live off the fruit of other people's labours ils vivent du produit du travail d'autrui;
    to live off the land vivre de la terre
    live on
    (person) continuer à vivre; (custom, ideal) persister;
    she lived on to the end in the same house elle a vécu dans la même maison jusqu'à sa mort;
    his memory lives on son souvenir est encore vivant
    (a) (food) vivre de, se nourrir de;
    to live on fruit and vegetables vivre de fruits et de légumes
    (b) (salary) vivre de;
    it's not enough to live on ce n'est pas suffisant pour vivre;
    to earn enough to live on gagner de quoi vivre;
    how does she live on that salary? comment s'en sort-elle avec ce salaire?;
    his pension is all they have to live on ils n'ont que sa retraite pour vivre;
    to live on $800 a month vivre avec 800 dollars par mois
    to live on one's wits vivre d'expédients;
    to live on one's name vivre sur sa réputation
    (a) (spend) passer;
    she lived out the rest of her life in Spain elle a passé le reste de sa vie en Espagne
    (b) (fulfil) vivre;
    he lived out his destiny sa destinée s'est accomplie, il a suivi son destin;
    to live out one's fantasies réaliser ses rêves
    the maid lives out la bonne ne loge pas sur place;
    he studies here but lives out il est étudiant ici mais il n'habite pas sur le campus
    they live out of tins ils ne mangent que des conserves
    (experience → war, hard times etc) vivre, connaître; (survive → war, drought) survivre à;
    they've lived through war and famine ils ont connu la guerre et la famine;
    he's unlikely to live through the winter il est peu vraisemblable qu'il passe l'hiver
    (as a couple) vivre ensemble, cohabiter
    (name, reputation) se montrer à la hauteur de; (expectation) être ou se montrer à la hauteur de, répondre à;
    we have a reputation to live up to! nous avons une réputation à défendre!;
    it's too much for me to live up to on m'en demande trop;
    the holiday didn't live up to our expectations les vacances n'étaient pas à la hauteur de nos espérances
    (a) (cohabit with) vivre avec;
    she lived with him for a couple of years before they got married elle a vécu avec lui pendant quelques années avant qu'ils se marient
    she's not easy to live with elle n'est pas facile à vivre;
    I don't like the situation, but I have to live with it cette situation ne me plaît pas, mais je n'ai pas le choix;
    I couldn't live with myself if I didn't tell him the truth je ne supporterais pas de ne pas lui dire la vérité;
    you'll always live with the guilt la culpabilité vous poursuivra toute la vie;
    it's not ideal but I can live with it ce n'est pas l'idéal mais je m'y ferai
    ✾ Book ✾ Film 'You only live twice' Fleming, Gilbert 'On ne vit que deux fois'
    To live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse À l'origine, cette phrase provient du titre d'un film de 1949 mis en scène par Nicholas Ray intitulé Knock on Any Door ("Les Ruelles du malheur"), dont le personnage principal, un marginal joué par John Derek, voulait "vivre vite, mourir jeune et laisser un beau cadavre". Aujourd'hui cette formule est davantage associée aux personnages de rebelles qu'incarnaient James Dean et d'autres jeunes acteurs des années 50 et 60, et à la vie trépidante qu'ils menaient dans la réalité. Cette formule est généralement utilisée dans sa version tronquée ( live fast and die young) pour faire référence à un style de vie débridé. On dira par exemple I don't like these modern pop stars and their live fast, die young attitude ("je n'aime pas les vedettes de la musique pop d'aujourd'hui qui ne pensent qu'à s'amuser sans jamais penser aux conséquences").
    live2 [laɪv]
    (a) (alive → animal, person) vivant;
    the live weight of the animal le poids de l'animal sur pied;
    they feed the snakes on live mice ils nourrissent les serpents de souris vivantes;
    familiar a real live cowboy un cow-boy, un vrai de vrai
    (b) Music, Radio & Television (programme, interview, concert) en direct;
    live pictures from Mars des images en direct de Mars;
    Sinatra live at the Palladium Sinatra en concert au Palladium;
    recorded before a live audience enregistré en public
    (c) Electricity (connected) sous tension
    (d) Technology (load) roulant, mobile
    (e) (unexploded) non explosé
    (f) (still burning → coals, embers) ardent
    (g) (not extinct → volcano) actif
    (h) (controversial) controversé;
    a live issue un sujet controversé
    en direct;
    to perform live (singer, group) chanter en direct;
    they've never performed live ils n'ont jamais fait de scène;
    the match can be seen/is going out live at 3.30 p.m. on peut suivre le match/le match est diffusé en direct à 15 heures 30;
    the show comes live from New York City le spectacle nous arrive en direct de New York
    ►► live ammunition balles fpl réelles;
    Technology live axle essieu m moteur, pont m;
    live births naissances fpl viables;
    Computing live cam caméra f Internet;
    Electricity live circuit circuit m alimenté ou sous tension;
    live entertainment spectacle m; (broadcast) spectacles mpl en direct;
    nobody goes to see live entertainment any more plus personne ne va au spectacle de nos jours;
    the theatre and other forms of live entertainment le théâtre et autres formes de divertissement;
    live music musique f live;
    live oak chêne m vert;
    American familiar live one (dupe) poire f, pigeon m;
    live recording enregistrement m live ou public;
    Electricity live wire fil m sous tension;
    familiar figurative she's a real live wire elle déborde d'énergie ;
    Cookery live yoghurt yaourt m actif

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > live

  • 122 mellow

    mellow ['meləʊ]
    (a) (fruit) mûr; (wine) velouté
    (b) (bricks) patiné; (light) doux (douce), tamisé; (colour) doux (douce); (voice, music) doux (douce), mélodieux
    (c) (person, mood) serein, tranquille;
    to become or to grow mellow s'adoucir; (with age) mûrir;
    mellow thoughts des pensées langoureuses
    (d) familiar (tipsy) éméché, gai
    to be mellow être parti, planer
    (g) familiar black American slang (fine, acceptable) cool (inv);
    see you at six? -- yeah, that's mellow on se voit à six heures? -- ouais, ça marche!
    (of age, experience) adoucir, faire mûrir; (of food, alcohol) détendre, décontracter
    (a) (fruit) mûrir; (wine) devenir moelleux, se velouter
    (b) (light, colour) s'adoucir; (stone, brick, building) se patiner; (sound, music) s'adoucir, devenir plus mélodieux;
    her voice has mellowed sa voix s'est adoucie
    (c) (person → with age) s'adoucir; (→ with food, alcohol) se décontracter;
    he's mellowed a lot since those days il s'est beaucoup adouci depuis cette époque;
    after the second whisky he began to mellow après le deuxième whisky, il a commencé à se décontracter
    4 noun
    familiar (relax) se calmer, se détendre

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > mellow

  • 123 Dow, Herbert Henry

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 26 February 1866 Belleville, Ontario, Canada
    d. 15 October 1930 Rochester, Minnesota, USA
    American industrial chemist, pioneer manufacturer of magnesium alloys.
    Of New England ancestry, his family returned there soon after his birth and later moved to Cleveland, Ohio. In 1884, Dow entered the Case School of Applied Science, graduating in science four years later. His thesis dealt partly with the brines of Ohio, and he was persuaded to present a paper on brine to the meeting of the American Association for he Advancement of Science being held in Cleveland the same year. That entailed visits to collect samples of brines from various localities, and led to the observation that their composition varied, one having a higher lithium content while another was richer in bromine. This study of brines proved to be the basis for his career in industrial chemistry. In 1888 Dow was appointed Professor of Chemistry at the Homeopathic Hospital College in Cleveland, but he continued to work on brine, obtaining a patent in the same year for extracting bromine by blowing air through slightly electrolysed brine. He set up a small company to exploit the process, but it failed; the process was taken up and successfully worked by the Midland Chemical Company in Midland, Michigan. The electrolysis required a direct-current generator which, when it was installed in 1892, was probably the first of its kind in America. Dow next set up a company to produce chlorine by the electrolysis of brine. It moved to Midland in 1896, and the Dow Central Company purchased the Midland Chemical Company in 1900. Its main concern was the manufacture of bleaching powder, but the company continued to grow, based on Dow's steady development of chemical compounds that could be derived from brines. His search for further applications of chlorine led to the making of insecticides and an interest in horticulture. Meanwhile, his experience at the Homeopathic Hospital doubtless fired an interest in pharmaceuticals. One of the substances found in brine was magnesium chloride, and by 1918 magnesium metal was being produced on a small scale by electrolysis. An intensive study of its alloys followed, leading to the large-scale production of these important light-metal alloys, under the name of Dowmetals. Two other "firsts" achieved by the company were the synthetic indigo process and the production of the element iodine in the USA. The Dow company became one of the leading chemical manufacturers in the USA, and at the same time Dow played an active part in public life, serving on many public and education boards.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Society of Chemical Industry Perkin Medal 1930.
    Dow was granted 65 patents for a wide range of chemical processes.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1930, Ind. Eng. Chem. (October).
    "The Dow Chemical Company", 1925, Ind. Eng. Chem. (September)

    Biographical history of technology > Dow, Herbert Henry

  • 124 σῶμα

    σῶμα, ατος, τό (Hom.+) ‘body.’
    body of a human being or animal, body
    dead body, corpse (so always in Hom. [but s. HHerter, σῶμα bei Homer: Charites, Studien zur Altertumswissenschaft, ELanglotz Festschr., ed. KvonSchauenburg ’57, 206–17] and oft. later, e.g. Memnon: 434 Fgm. 1, 3, 3 Jac. καίειν τὸ ς.=burn the corpse; ins, pap, LXX; PsSol 2:27; TestJob 52:11; ApcMos 34 al.; Philo, Abr. 258; Jos., Bell. 6, 276, Ant. 18, 236; Ar. 4, 3; Mel., P. 28, 196) Mt 14:12 v.l.; 27:59; Mk 15:45 v.l.; Lk 17:37; Ac 9:40; GPt 2:4; pl. J 19:31. W. gen. Mt 27:58; Mk 15:43; Lk 23:52, 55; 24:3, 23; J 19:38ab, 40; 20:12; Jd 9; GPt 2:3. Pl. Mt 27:52; Hb 13:11. AcPlCor 2:27.
    the living body (Hes. et al.) of animals Js 3:3.—Mostly of human beings Mt 5:29f; 6:22f; 26:12; Mk 5:29; 14:8; Lk 11:34abc; J 2:21; Ro 1:24; 1 Cor 6:18ab; IRo 5:3. τὰ τοῦ σώματος the parts of the body 4:2. Of women αἱ ἀσθενεῖς τῷ σώματι 1 Cl 6:2; cp. Hv 3, 11, 4.—W. and in contrast to πνεῦμα (4 Macc 11:11) Ro 8:10, 13; 1 Cor 5:3; 7:34; Js 2:26. W. and in contrast to ψυχή (Pla., Gorg. 47, 493a; Diod S 34 + 35 Fgm. 2, 30; Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 112 §467; Ael. Aristid. 45, 17f K.=8 p. 88f D.; Lucian, Imag. 23; PGM 7, 589; Wsd 1:4; 8:19f; 2 Macc 7:37; 14:38; 4 Macc 1:28; ApcEsdr 7:3 p. 32, 13 Tdf.; EpArist 139; Philo; Jos., Bell. 3, 372–78; 6, 55; Just., A I, 8, 4; D. 6, 2 al.; Tat. 13, 1; Ath. 1, 4; Did., Gen. 56, 4; Theoph. Ant. 1, 5 [p. 66, 2]) Mt 6:25ab; 10:28ab; Lk 12:4 v.l., 22f; 2 Cl 5:4 (a saying of Jesus, fr. an unknown source); 12:4; MPol 14:2; AcPl Ha 1, 4. τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ ἡ ψυχὴ καὶ τὸ σῶμα (s. the Christian POxy 1161, 6 [IV A.D.]) 1 Th 5:23. W. and in contrast to its parts (ApcSed 11:13; Mel., P. 78, 563) Ro 12:4; 1 Cor 12:12abc (Ltzm. ad loc.), 14–20 (PMich 149, 4, 26 [II A.D.] ἧπαρ … ὅλον τὸ σῶμα); Js 3:6; 1 Cl 37:5abcd. The body as the seat of sexual function Ro 4:19; 1 Cor 7:4ab (rights over the σῶμα of one’s spouse as Artem. 1, 44 p. 42, 14f; Iren. 1, 13, 3 [Harv. I 119, 10]).—The body as seat of mortal life εἶναι ἐν σώματι be in the body = alive, subject to mortal ills (TestAbr A 9 p. 87, 3 [Stone p. 22]; Poryphr., Abst. 1, 38) Hb 13:3. ἐνδημεῖν ἐν τῷ σώματι 2 Cor 5:6 (s. ἐνδημέω). ἐκδημῆσαι ἐκ τοῦ σώματος vs. 8 (s. ἐκδημέω). διὰ τοῦ σώματος during the time of one’s mortal life (cp. Lucian, Menipp. 11, end, Catapl. 23) vs. 10 (s. κομίζω 3, but s. also below in this section). Paul does not know whether, in a moment of religious ecstasy, he was ἐν σώματι or ἐκτὸς (χωρὶς) τοῦ σώματος 12:2f (of Epimenides [A2: Vorsokrat.5 I p. 29] it was said ὡς ἐξίοι ἡ ψυχὴ ὁπόσον ἤθελε καιρὸν καὶ πάλιν εἰσῄει ἐν τῷ σώματι; Clearchus, Fgm. 7: καθάπερ ὁ Κλέαρχος ἐν τοῖς περὶ ὕπνου φησίν, περὶ τῆς ψυχῆς, ὡς ἄρα χωρίζεται τοῦ σώματος καὶ ὡς εἴσεισιν εἰς τὸ σῶμα καὶ ὡς χρῆται αὐτῷ οἷον καταγωγίῳ [a resting-place]. In Fgm. 8 Clearchus tells about Cleonymus the Athenian, who seemed to be dead, but awakened after 3 days and thereupon reported everything that he had seen and heard ἐπειδὴ χωρὶς ἦν τοῦ σώματος. His soul is said finally to have arrived εἴς τινα χῶρον ἱερὸν τῆς Ἑστίας; Maximus Tyr. 38, 3a–f Ἀριστέας ἔφασκεν τὴν ψυχὴν αὐτῷ καταλιποῦσαν τὸ σῶμα in order to wander through the universe. He finds faith everywhere. Similarly 10, 2f. See also the story of Hermotimus in Apollon. Paradox. 3 as well as Lucian, Musc. Enc. [The Fly] 7.—On the two kinds of transcendent vision [with or without the body] s. Proclus, In Pla. Rem Publ. II p. 121, 26ff Kroll: οἱ μὲν μετὰ τοῦ σώματος τῶν τοιούτων [like Ἐμπεδότιμος] ἵστορες [=eyewitnesses], οἱ δὲ ἄνευ σώματος [like Κλεώνυμος]. καὶ πλήρεις αἱ παραδόσεις τούτων.). ἀπὼν τῷ σώματι (παρὼν δὲ τῷ πνεύματι) 1 Cor 5:3. ἡ παρουσία τοῦ σώματος 2 Cor 10:10 (παρουσία 1). The body is the instrument of human experience and suffering 4:10ab; Gal 6:17 (allusion AcPlCor 2, 35); Phil 1:20; the body is the organ of a person’s activity: δοξάσατε τὸν θεὸν ἐν τῷ σώματι ὑμῶν glorify God through your body, i.e. by leading an upright life 1 Cor 6:20; cp. Ro 12:1. This may be the place (s. above in this section) for διὰ τοῦ σώματος 2 Cor 5:10 which, in that case, would be taken in an instrumental sense with or through the body (cp. Pla., Phd. 65a; Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 13, 371c; Aelian, NA 5, 26 τὰ διὰ τοῦ σώματος πραττόμενα). In some of the last-named passages (such as Ro 12:1; Phil 1:20; also Eph 5:28 w. parallel in Plut., Mor. 142e: s. HAlmqvist, Plut. u. d. NT ’46, 116f) the body is almost synonymous w. the whole personality (as Aeschin., Or. 2, 58; X., An. 1, 9, 12 τὰ ἑαυτῶν σώματα=themselves. Appian, Syr. 41 §218 παρεδίδου τὸ σῶμα τοῖς ἐθέλουσιν ἀπαγαγεῖν=[Epaminondas] gave himself up to those who wished to take him away, Mithr. 27 §107 ἐς τὸ σῶμα αὐτοῦ=against his person, Bell. Civ. 2, 106 §442 Caesar’s person [σῶμα] is ἱερὸς καὶ ἄσυλος=sacred and inviolable; 3, 39 §157 ἔργον … σῶμα=course of action … person; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 55, 7 [III B.C.] ἑκάστου σώματος=for every person. See Wilcken’s note).—Because it is subject to sin and death, man’s mortal body as τὸ σῶμα τῆς σαρκός (σάρξ 2cα) Col 2:11 is a σῶμα τῆς ἁμαρτίας Ro 6:6 or τοῦ θανάτου 7:24; cp. 8:11. In fact, σῶμα can actually take the place of σάρξ 8:13 (cp. Herm. Wr. 4, 6b ἐὰν μὴ πρῶτον τὸ σῶμα μισήσῃς, σεαυτὸν φιλῆσαι οὐ δύνασαι; 11, 21a.—Cp. Hippol., Ref. 5, 19, 6). As a σῶμα τῆς ταπεινώσεως lowly body it stands in contrast to the σῶμα τῆς δόξης glorious body of the heavenly beings Phil 3:21. In another pass. σῶμα ψυχικόν of mortals is opposed to the σῶμα πνευματικόν after the resurrection 1 Cor 15:44abc.—Christ’s earthly body, which was subject to death (Orig., C. Cels. 2, 9, 13) Ro 7:4; Hb 10:5 (Ps 39:7 v.l.), 10; 1 Pt 2:24; AcPlCor 2:16f. τὸ σῶμα καὶ τὰ ὀστᾶ καὶ τὸ πνεῦμα Χριστοῦ 2:32. τὸ σῶμα τῆς σαρκὸς αὐτοῦ Col 1:22. Esp. in the language of the Eucharist (opp. αἷμα) Mt 26:26; Mk 14:22; Lk 22:19; 1 Cor 10:16 (GBornkamm, NTS 2, ’56, 202–6); 11:24, 27, 29. S. the lit. s.v. ἀγάπη 2 and εὐχαριστία 3, also JBonsirven, Biblica 29, ’48, 205–19.—ἓν σῶμα a single body 1 Cor 6:16 (cp. Jos., Ant. 7, 66 Δαυίδης τήν τε ἄνω πόλιν κ. τὴν ἄκραν συνάψας ἐποίησεν ἕν σῶμα; Artem. 3, 66 p. 196, 9; RKempthorne, NTS 14. ’67/68, 568–74).
    pl. σώματα slaves (Herodas 2, 87 δοῦλα σώματα; Polyb. et al.; oft. Vett. Val.; ins, pap; Gen 36:6; Tob 10:10; Bel 32; 2 Macc 8:11; Jos., Ant. 14, 321; cp. our colloq. ‘get some bodies for the job’) Rv 18:13 (cp. Ezk 27:13; the abs. usage rejected by Atticists, s. Phryn. 378 Lob.).
    plant and seed structure, body. In order to gain an answer to his own question in 1 Cor 15:35 ποίῳ σώματι ἔρχονται; (i.e. the dead after the resurrection), Paul speaks of bodies of plants (which are different in kind fr. the ‘body’ of the seed which is planted.—Maximus Tyr. 40, 60e makes a distinction betw. the σώματα of the plants, which grow old and pass away, and their σπέρματα, which endure.—σώματα of plants also in Apollon. Paradox. 7 [after Aristot.]) vs. 37f, and of σώματα ἐπουράνια of the heavenly bodies vs. 40 (cp. Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 2, 2 the stars as σώματα θεῖα; Maximus Tyr. 21, 8b οὐρανὸς κ. τὰ ἐν αὐτῷ σώματα, acc. to 11, 12a οἱ ἀστέρες; 40, 4h; Sallust. 9 p. 18, 5).
    substantive reality, the thing itself, the reality in imagery of a body that casts a shadow, in contrast to σκιά (q.v. 3) Col 2:17.
    a unified group of people, body fig. ext. of 1, of the Christian community or church (cp. Cyr. Ins. 58, ‘body of the Hellenes’; Polyaenus, Exc. 18, 4 of the phalanx; Libanius, Or. 1 p. 176, 25 F. τὸ τῆς πόλεως ς.; Plut., Philop. 360 [8, 2]), esp. as the body of Christ, which he fills or enlivens as its Spirit (in this case the head belongs with the body, as Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 26 §101, where a severed head is differentiated from τὸ ἄλλο σῶμα=the rest of the body), or crowns as its Head (Hdt. 7, 140; Quint. Smyrn. 11, 58; SIG 1169, 3; 15 κεφαλή w. σῶμα as someth. equally independent; Orig., C. Cels. 6, 79, 27): οἱ πολλοὶ ἓν σῶμά ἐσμεν ἐν Χριστῷ Ro 12:5. Cp. 1 Cor 10:17; 12:13, 27; Eph (s. Schlier s.v. ἐκκλησία 3c) 1:23; 2:16; 4:12, 16; 5:23, 30; Col 1:18, 24; 2:19; 3:15; ISm 1:2; Hs 9, 17, 5; 9, 18, 3f. ἓν σῶμα καὶ ἓν πνεῦμα Eph 4:4; cp. Hs 9, 13, 5; 7 (Iambl., Vi. Pyth. 30, 167: all as ἓν σῶμα κ. μία ψυχή; also Just., D. 42, 3) διέλκομεν τὰ μέλη τοῦ Χριστοῦ καὶ στασιάζομεν πρὸς τὸ σῶμα τὸ ἴδιον 1 Cl 46:7.—T Schmidt, Der Leib Christi (σῶμα Χριστοῦ) 1919; EKäsemann, Leib u. Leib Christi ’33 (for a critique s. SHanson, Unity of the Church in the NT ’46, 113–16); ÉMersch, Le Corps mystique du Christ2 ’36; AWikenhauser, D. Kirche als d. myst. Leib Christi, nach dem Ap. Pls2 ’40; EPercy, D. Leib Christi in d. paulin. Homologumena u. Antilegomena ’42; RHirzel, Die Person: SBMünAk 1914 H. 10 p. 6–28 (semantic history of σῶμα); WKnox, Parallels to the NT use of σῶμα: JTS 39, ’38, 243–46; FDillistone, How Is the Church Christ’s Body?: Theology Today 2, ’45/46, 56–68; WGoossens, L’Église corps de Christ d’après St. Paul2 ’49; CCraig, Soma Christou: The Joy of Study ’51, 73–85; JRobinson, The Body: A Study in Pauline Theol. ’52; RBultmann, Theol. of the NT, tr. KGrobel ’51, 192–203; HClavier, CHDodd Festschr. ’56, 342–62; CColpe, Zur Leib-Christi Vorstellung im Eph, ’60, 172–87; KGrobel, Bultmann Festschr. ’54, 52–59; HHegermann, TLZ 85, ’60, 839–42; ESchweizer, ibid. 86, ’61, 161–74; 241–56; JMeuzelaar, D. Leib des Messias, ’61; MDahl, The Resurrection of the Body, ’62; RJewett, Paul’s Anthropological Terms, ’71, 201–304; JZiegler, NovT 25, ’83, 133–45 (LXX); JDunn: JSNT Suppl. 100, ’94, 163–81 (Col.).—B. 198. New Docs 4, 38f. DELG. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > σῶμα

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